Button Brittlebush
Encelia frutescens

Family: Asteraceae

Green, sandpapery-leafed semi-evergreen shrub growing to about 3 feet high and about 4’ wide. Yellow ray-less flowers occur in the warm season.

Full sun, moderate to low water, good drainage, hardy to 5°F. May need to be pruned back once in a while for bushier growth.

The yellow, petal-less flowers are extremely nectar-rich and attract lots of butterflies and bees, blooming in the warm weather months.

Used as a seasoning and as a remedy for shingles.

Encelia is named for Christoph Entzelt (1517-1583) a German naturalist, while frutescens means shrubby. There are 22 species of Encelia found in arid environments in southwestern North America and western South America.

This plant frequently hybridizes with E. farinosa, especially in disturbed landscapes.

Found on stony slopes, along washes, on slopes and roadsides from sea level to 4,000 ft. in Arizona and all the neighboring states, south into Sonora and Baja California.

Photo Matt Reala, iNaturalist
Encelia frutescens on SEINET


Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa)


Hierba del Bazo (Encelia halimifolia)