Wright’s Milkpea
Galactia wrightii

Family: Fabaceae

A twining perennial that doesn’t get much over 4’ tall unless it twines up a nearby shrub, spreading to about 3’ wide. Blooms July to September with purple pea-like flowers.

Full to part sun, moderate water, probably hardy to at least 10°F.

Larval host for the following butterflies:

White-striped Longtail (Chioides albofasciatus)

Funereal Duskywing (Erynnis funeralis)

Found sprawling over other plants and in rocky canyons from 4,500-6,000’ in Arizona, southern New Mexico, southern Texas; south into northern Mexico.

Galactia comes from the Greek gala, meaning milky, for the sap, while wrightii is named for Charles Wright (1811-1885) an American botanical collector. The genus Galactia has 101 species which range through the Americas from New York and Arizona to northern Argentina, in tropical Africa and Madagascar, in south and southeast Asia, southern China, and Japan, and in the Philippines, eastern Indonesia, New Guinea, and Australia.

Photo of Galactia wrightii by Frank Coburn, SEINET
Galactia wrightii on iNaturalist


Alamo Vine and Yuca Vine (Distimake spp)


Common Hop Vine (Humulus lupulus)