The genus Vallesia

Family: Apocynaceae

This is a genus of about 12 species native to South America, Central America, Mexico, Florida, the Galápagos Islands, and the West Indies. We mainly grow species native to Sonora and Baja California, Vallesia glabra and V. glabra. The common name comes from the pearl-colored berries.

Nacapule jasmine (Vallesia lacinata) reaches about to about 12’ tall and wide. In summer and fall, star-shaped, white flowers with intense jasmine fragrance bloom and are followed by pearly white fruits which are loved by birds.

Full to part sun, moderate to regular water with good drainage, hardy to 25°F but will grow back from frost damage.

Fruits are reputed to be poisonous only because this plant is in the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) but were eaten by the Seri indians. Possibly if too many eaten they can cause problems but more likely the poisonousness is an alarmist report.

Huevito (Vallesia glabra) is extremely similar and has similar requirements, but it doesn’t grow quite as big—getting to about 8’ tall. It also has smaller and shinier leaves, and smaller flowers.

Photo of Vallesia lacinata by Manuel Magaña, iNaturalist


Viscid Acacia (Vachellia vernicosa)


Arizona Rosewood (Vauquelinia californica)