Crown of Thorns
Koeberlinia spinosa

Family: Koeberliniaceae

Also one of the three species in our region called “Crucifixion Thorn”. Green spiny shrub or rarely a tree, usually 6-15’ but sometimes to 30’. April into July white flowers occur, followed by globose red to black berries.

Grow in full sun, with low water (good drainage), hardy to 0°F.

Very nectar rich flowers that are hovering with pollinators when blooming. Protected habitat and fruits for birds and mammals.

Koeberlinia is named after Christoph Ludwig Koeberlin (1794-1862), a German clergyman and botanist, while spinosa is from Latin for thorny. There are two species of Koeberlinia. Besides this species, in Bolivia there is a species called K. holacantha.

Found on old alluvium, gravelly, or sandy substrates on slopes or Larrea flats from 2,000-5,000 ft. in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, south into central Mexico.

Photo by Frankie Coburn, SEINET
Koeberlinia spinosa on iNaturalist


Shrubby Thoroughwort (Koanophyllon solidaginifolium)


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