The Genus Mentzelia
Family: Loasaceae
This genus contains several species native to our region, most being annual plants, but a few (like M. multiflora, pictured above) are perennials. The perennial plants usually get about 2-3’ tall and wide, often smaller. Even some of the less showy annual species have interesting flowers. Multiflora has gorgeous yellow to white flowers that are heavy in spring but sometimes can occur in other parts of the warm season. A few species are cool-season growers.
Plant in full to part sun, provide regular water with good drainage. Most are totally cold hardy for our region. The annuals tend to go to seed in summer.
These plants are in the Loasaceae which all have leaves that are almost like velcro! Larval food plant for a noctuid moth (Protogygia album).
There are many species that are used as medicine.
There are about 100 species of Mentzelia native to the Americas. The genus, Mentzelia, is named for Christian Mentzel (1622-1701), a German botanist, botanical author and physician
Photo of Adonis Blazingstar (Mentzelia multiflora) by Max Licher, SEINET
Adonis Blazingstar (Mentzelia multiflora) is a perennial plant that can get about 2 and a half feet tall. Can flower anytime between March and October. Photo by Liz Makings, SEINET
Floral detail of Lindley's Blazingstar (Mentzelia lindleyi), photo by Eric in SF, iNaturalist
Whitestem Blazingstar (Mentzelia albicaulis) is a very common weedy annual blazingstar that has probably stuck to your pants when hiking in some areas in summer! Many Mentzelias have small but pretty flowers. This plant can get pretty big and shrubby. Photo by Sue Carnahan, SEINET
Sand Blazingstar (Mentzelia involucrata) is a cool season annual that will flower January through May. Photo by Frankie Coburn, SEINET