Mock Pennyroyal
Hedeoma hyssopifolia

Family: Lamiaceae

A slender, wiry perennial growing about a foot tall and slightly wider. An uncommon western native species that blooms all summer with hundreds of small, purple to pink nectar-rich flowers. Growing as a tidy mound of fine-textured foliage.

Plant in part sun to shady spots, moderate to regular water but ensure good drainage. Cold tolerance unknown by native to almost 10,000’ so probably well below 0°F.

The flowers are a favorite of the bumblebees and hummingbirds.

Many species of Hedeoma are used as medicine and for flavoring foods.

There are 44 species of Hedeoma native to North and South America. Hedeoma is from the Greek hedus, sweet, and osme, odor, an ancient name for a strongly aromatic mint, while hyssopifolia means having leaves like Hyssop.

Found on rocky slops in canyons from 5,000-9,500 ft. in Arizona, New Mexico, Sonora, and Chihuahua.

Photo by Emilio Romero, iNaturalist
Hedeoma hyssopifolia on SEINET


Cockroach Plant (Haplophyton cimicidum var. crooksii)


Silverleaf Sunflower (Helianthus argophyllus)