Little Lemonhead
Coreocarpus arizonicus
Family: Asteraceae
Herbaceous perennial growing to about 3’ tall and wide. Cut back occasionally to stimulate bushiness and more blooming. Long blooming season, with golden flowers January through October.
Part to full sun, moderate water, hardiness unknown but native to higher elevations
Rich nectar plant that feeds many pollinators. Reseeds readily.
Coreocarpus is from the Greek koreos, bug, and karpos, fruit, alluding to pectinately winged achenes; arizonicus refers to Arizona. There are 6 species of Coreocarpus native to northwestern Mexico and southern Arizona.
Found in rich soil along streams, in open areas, and in canyons, from 3,000-7,000 ft. in southern Arizona south to Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Sonora.
Photo by Sue Carnahan, SEINET
Coreocarpus arizonicus on iNaturalist